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3 errors to avoid after a car accident

Sep 1, 2018 | Blog, Car Accidents, Car and Truck Accident Injuries, Car and Truck Accidents

Home » 3 errors to avoid after a car accident

Auto Accident Lawyer, O'Fallon, ILIt can be hard to think clearly in the aftermath of a car accident. The effects of such a trauma can last far beyond the period immediately following the incident. As auto accident lawyers in the St Louis area we wanted to inform you about the law surrounding car accidents.

However, it is important to keep in mind that pursuing legal recourse can be the best way to get the financial compensation you will need to cover medical bills and other losses. In addition to taking some important steps at the accident scene, avoiding the following common mistakes can benefit your case.

1. Settling too early

Soon after the crash, you may receive a call from the other driver’s insurer proposing a settlement. The offer may sound good and you may feel tempted to avoid the hassle of pursuing a case in favor of receiving a lump sum quickly. However, at this early stage, it is highly unlikely that even you know the true extent of the damage you sustained. Any offer at this point is not likely to even come close to a fair amount.

2. Sharing too much

Most Americans today use some form of social media. For many, it has become second nature to share moments in their lives this way. When it comes to your accident, however, it is in your best interest to refrain. Avoid posting photos or information about the accident or your injuries. Even posts without direct relevance, such as vacation photos, can serve to bolster a defense argument that your injuries are less severe than you claim. It is far easier to not post anything than to scrutinize your wording to ensure there is nothing your opponent can take out of context or present to your disadvantage.

3. Ignoring medical instructions

For many people suffering from injuries after a car crash, treatment does not end with a checkup after the accident. Treatment for serious injuries can include surgery, rehabilitative therapy and complex medication regimens. Keeping up can be painful, exhausting and time-consuming. Nevertheless, it is crucial to your health to comply with your treatment plan. Talk to your doctors about uncomfortable side effects or ways in which it can be possible to reduce the problems you face. Skipping appointments, not taking medication or failing to comply with work restrictions can aggravate your injuries and jeopardize your ability to recover damages.

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